中文會名 | 香港自由龍龍舟會 |
英文會名 | Hong Kong Freedom Dragon Boat Club |
隊名 Team Name | 香港自由龍 Hong Kong Freedom Dragon |
簡介 About us | 香港自由龍龍舟會,在二零零一年十一月六日成立,及在二零零二年五月三十日,在香港完成註冊之非牟利團體。團體主要是由一群對龍舟運動,充滿熱誠的人仕組成,希望透過長期的龍舟訓練,增強隊員的體能,意志及奮鬥進取精神。 Hong Kong Freedom Dragon Boat Club was found on 6 November 2001, and was registered as a Non-Profit Organizations on 30 May 2002. The club was founded by a group of dragon boat enthusiasts from all walks of life. Through long-term training, physical fitness and determination will be enhanced. |
主旨 Goal | 積極培訓一班熱愛龍舟運動之愛好者,參與本港及海外,不同國家所舉辦的龍舟比賽,從而達到推廣龍舟之目的。 Our goal is to promote the sport by training up a group of dragon boat lovers and participate in various competitions in Hong Kong and other countries. |
入會資格 Eligibility for membership | 只需要對龍舟運動,抱有一顆熱愛的心。 Dragon Boat Lover |
入會費用 Admission fee | 每年港幣2,000元 (12個月),新會員首年入會費用港幣2,000元 (由入會月份開始計12個月),第二年會費則按月份比例計算。 Annual fee HK$2,000 (12 months), the membership fee for the first year of new member is HK$2,000 (12 months from the entry month). The membership fee for the second year will be on a pro rata basis. |
水上訓練時間 Training time | 全年逢星期日,上午 9:30 至 中午 12時正 。(如遇公眾假期則另行通知) Every Sunday: 9:30 am to 12 noon (Public holidays will be notified separately) 全年逢星期四,晚上 7:30 至 9:30。(如遇公眾假期則另行通知) Every Thursday: 8pm to 9:30pm (Public holidays will be notified separately) |
水上訓練地點及場地設施 Training location and facilities | 星期日於西貢白沙灣碼頭落船。 Sunday training at Pak Sha Wan Pier, Sai Kung. 星期四於沙田體育會水上活動中心訓練。 Thursday training at STSA Water Sports Centre, Shatin. 基地附設有鎖之儲物櫃及沖身設施。 Provide Lockers and Shower facilities |
水上訓練器材 Equipment provided | 提供可乘戴 20人之中型龍船四艘 。(屬於本會之私家龍船) Provide 4 Medium-sized boats (for 20 people) owned by the club 提供可乘戴 10人之小型龍船三艘 。(屬於本會之私家龍船) Provide 3 small-sized boats (for 10 people) owned by the club 提供印有本會圖案 ,訓練及比賽穿著之救生衣。( 屬於本會之特別定做之救生衣 ) Provide life jackets for training and competitions (printed with the club’s pattern owned by the club) |
比賽服裝 Race Uniform | 印有本會圖案之比賽背心及短褲二條,每套港幣 $400元正。 Vest printed with club’s logo and two shorts. Each set costs HK$400. |
跑步服裝 Running Uniform | 印有本會圖案之運動背心及短褲一套,每套港幣 $150元正。 Vest and a pair of shorts printed with club’s logo. Each set costs HK$150. |
出外比賽服裝 Overseas Race Uniform | 印有本會圖案之黑色飲衫 $200元,出外比賽必須穿著。 Black shirt printed with club’s logo which costs HK$200. (It is compulsory for participating overseas race.) |
出外比賽風褸 Overseas Race Jacket | 繡有本會圖案之黑色風褸連長褲,每套港幣 $ 200 元正。 Black windbreaker printed with club’s logo and a pair of trousers. Each set costs HK$200. |
香港比賽費用 Local Race Admission Fee | 費用全免 (包括參加香港舉行之國際龍舟邀請賽,及各區舉辦之中龍,小龍比賽)。 Free (including the Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Invitational Tournament and other local races). |
海外比賽費用 Overseas Admission Fee | 所有費用自付,例如來回機票、食宿使費及致送大會主辦單位紀念品等。 All expenses are self-financed such as round-trip air tickets, board and lodging, and souvenirs to the organizer. |
練習費用 Fee for practice | 會員全部免費,非會員每次港幣50元正。(歡迎男女朋友參加,親身體驗試玩) All members are free, non-members are HK$50 each time. (All are welcome to participate.) |
查訽 Enquire | 有興趣參加人仕,請致電或 whatsapp 財哥 92051776 或 祕書 Candy 94919280 或 電郵 freedomdragon328@yahoo.com.hk。 If you are interested, please feel free to call or whatsapp our Coach Choi Gor at 9205 1776 or secretary Candy 9491928 or email to freedomdragon328@yahoo.com.hk . |
Hong Kong Freedom Dragon Boat Club