訓練時間及地點 old

  •  水上練習地點:西貢,白沙灣碼頭。

  • Location: Sai Kung, Hebe Haven Pier.
  • 練習時間

逢星期日 : 上午九時三十分 至 中午十二時
逢星期二及四:晚上八時 至 九時三十分


  • Practice time
  1. Every Sunday: 9:30 am to 12 noon
  2. Every Tuesday and Thursday: 8pm to 9:30pm
  3. (Public holidays will be notified separately)
  • 水上練習器材

1. 提供可乘戴 10人或 24人之小型或中型龍船 共4艘 (屬於本會之私家龍船)
2. 提供練習用之柚木木槳 (初級班及中級班)
3. 提供比賽用之炭纖維槳 (高級班)
4. 提供練習及比賽用之救生衣 (印有本會之圖案,屬於本會之救生衣 )

  • Equipment provided
  1. Provide small-sized boat (for 10 people) or medium-sized boats (for 24 people) (Total 4 nos. of Dragon boats which are owned by the club)
  2. Provide wooden paddle (Beginner and Intermediate Class)
  3. Provide carbon fiber paddle (Advanced class)
  4. Provide life jackets for training and competitions (printed with the club’s pattern owned by the club)
  • 場地設施

1. 附設有鎖的儲物櫃存放物品
2. 設有沖身設施

  • Facilities
  1. Lockers
  2. Shower facilities
  • 如何前往白沙灣?

  • How to get to Pak Sha Wan (Hebe Haven bay)?

方法(1)  彩虹港鐵站C2出口,再轉乘1A綠色專線小巴或92巴士,白沙灣站下車。

Method (1)  Take 1A green minibus or bus 92 at Exit C2 of Choi Hung MTR Station, and get off at Pak Sha Wan.

鑽石山彩頤花園,再轉乘1A綠色專線小巴 或 鑽石山港鐵站C2出口, 再轉乘92巴士,白沙灣站下車。

Take 1A green minibus at Diamond Hill Rhythm Garden or 92 bus at Diamond Hill MTR station C2 exit, and get off at Pak Sha Wan.

方法(2)  坑口港鐵站B1出口左轉,再轉乘101綠色專線小巴,白沙灣站下車。

Method (2)  Take 101 green minibus at Exit B1 of Hang Hau MTR Station, and get off at Pak Sha Wan.

方法(3)  旺角登打士街西行,介乎通菜街至廣華街之間紅色專線小巴總站,白沙灣站下車。

Method (3)  Take the red minibus at minibus terminus at Westbound Dundas Street, Mong Kok (between Tung Choi Street and Kwong Wah Street) and get off at Pak Sha Wan.

方法(4)  九龍灣港鐵站A出口德福花園小巴總站,再轉乘1號線綠色專線小巴,白沙灣站下車。

Method (4)  Take the green minibus of Line 1 at Telford Garden minibus terminus (Exit A of Kowloon Bay MTR Station), and get off at Pak Sha Wan.

方法(5)  觀塘裕民坊宜安街,鄰近通明街及聖若翰學校紅色專線小巴,白沙灣站下車。

Method (5)  Take the red minibus at Yi On Street, Yue man Square, Kwun Tong (near Tung Ming Street and St. John’s School), and get off at Pak Sha Wan.

方法(6)  自駕前往,停泊於白沙灣碼頭或白沙灣童軍會公衆停車咪錶位。

Method (6)  Road trip to Hebe Haven bay. You may park in the public parking area near Pak Sha Wan Public Pier or Pak Sha Wan Scout Club.

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